Saturday, June 11, 2005

Governator goes beyond Kyoto

The Governator, as California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is often called, has declared war on global warming. Schwarzenegger has before taken stances on energy that are distinct from those of President Bush. For example, he has been a big supporter of the move away from oil via his support for the Hydrogen Highway and Million Solar Roofs initiatives. This time he is going a step beyond.

While the Bush administration had refused to ratify the Kyoto protocol, California is committing to outdo Kyoto in the long term.

The Governator issued an executive order that would set targets -- cut emissions to 2000 levels by 2010, 1990 levels by 2020, and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050 -- that are less stringent than the Kyoto Protocol's in the short-term, but one of the world's most aggressive in the long-term. Some analysts say that if the targets are met (a big if, obviously), California would cut more emissions than Japan, France, or the U.K.

Update: The Governator is not alone. Over 160 cities within the US have agreed to beat Kyoto-deadlines for 2012, while Portland in Oregon state looks like the front-runner to meet those deadlines. The city also did well in the Sustainability Rankings.

Update 2: States grapple with carbon reduction plan